We've just released the details of PGOV vesting and staking. Details below:.

30 Jul 2021, 22:47
We've just released the details of PGOV vesting and staking. Details below: ✅PGOV is locked and vests linearly over the course of six months. ✅PGOV is only locked when received as a reward from the pools. ✅As you earn more PGOV from the pools, then the vesting period will recalculate. ✅Maximum PGOV minting amount will be 250m tokens. ✅PGOV stakers earn MATIC. ✅15% of platform fees are sold for PGOV and burned and the max supply is reduced by the total burned. The remaining 50% will be sold for MATIC and distributed to PGOV farmers/stakers https://bzx.network/blog/bzx-live-on-polygon